
VisaCard VS MasterCard / Difference between VisaCard and MasterCard / Full information about VisaCard and MasterCard

VisaCard VS MasterCard / Difference between VisaCard and MasterCard / Full information about VisaCard and MasterCard

Nowadays everyone use electronic money to shop anything anywhere. People use card services of the bank to pay or send money anywhere anytime in the world. There are different types of cards provided by the banks with different terms and conditions. Following is the comparison between Visa and MasterCard. VisaCard MasterCard Introduction: Visa Inc. (NYSE: …

VisaCard VS MasterCard / Difference between VisaCard and MasterCard / Full information about VisaCard and MasterCard Read More »

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Habib Bank Limited (HBL) VS Standard Chartered Bank / HBL vs SCB

In daily busy routine everyone wants to save his/her money in a safe place with meaningful benefits on it. There are many local and international banks operating in Pakistan with different benefits and services. Following is the comparison of two private biggest banks of Pakistan, Habib Bank Limited (HBL) and Standard Chartered Bank. Habib Bank …

Habib Bank Limited (HBL) VS Standard Chartered Bank / HBL vs SCB Read More »


Best & Cheap Equipment to Record Audiobooks / A to Z full infomation

If you’re new to recording audiobooks, you’ll need equipment that will make your voice sound good and pass Audible/Audiobook Creation Exchange’s (ACX’s) audio requirements. On the other hand, the equipment also shouldn’t exceed your budget. This post is for authors who are planning to record their own audiobooks. Making your own recording will allow you …

Best & Cheap Equipment to Record Audiobooks / A to Z full infomation Read More »


Rumble vs YouTube | Earn more on Rumble then YouTube | What’s Rumble? Should You Switch from YouTube to Rumble ?

What’s Rumble? Rumble (official website)is another video hosting website like Vimeo or YouTube, besides they’ve companions like MTV, Xbox, Yahoo, MSN, and so forth. As a result of the platform’s partnerships, it’s paying customers to add their videos for these companions to make use of. Should a video be accepted, the uploader will get $50. …

Rumble vs YouTube | Earn more on Rumble then YouTube | What’s Rumble? Should You Switch from YouTube to Rumble ? Read More »

What Is Metaverse

What is Metaverse ? Metahumans are coming in 2022? | NFT , Gaming , future currency and much more

In this blog post, we’re going to talk about “METAVERSE” What is METAVERSE? perhaps, most of you haven’t heard about this. But 30 years ago, this term was coined by Neil Stephenson in his science-fiction novel “Snow Crash” He was the one who introduced this term. You can simply watch the movie “Ready Player One” …

What is Metaverse ? Metahumans are coming in 2022? | NFT , Gaming , future currency and much more Read More »

Why Facebook is Spending Billions on the Metaverse

Why Facebook is Spending Billions on the Metaverse? Facebook will transform into a metaverse company in the next years

Mark Zuckerberg is on a VR spending spree. “I don’t know if folks realize. Facebook’s largest expenditure for multiple years now has been VR.” We don’t know exactly how much they are spending, but most people think it’s around $5 billion per year. And that’s after they spent $2 billion to buy Oculus in 2014.  …

Why Facebook is Spending Billions on the Metaverse? Facebook will transform into a metaverse company in the next years Read More »

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